We offers complete engineering and installation services of lightning protection and grounding systems . TRAVANCORE ELECTRONICS AND MANAGEMENT SERVICE installation crews and field technicians perform all forms of exterior earth grounding and internal equipment bonding and grounding, including comprehensive turnkey installation service. Employees participate in continuing education and advancement courses and Master Installers.

Furthermore, our field technicians have ample comprehensive experience with installations of SURGE PROTECTION equipment, which Underwriters Laboratories requires any building applying for a UL Master Label Lightning Protection System to have installed on all AC power, telephone, RF & data service entrances.


We offers complete ground testing services in india. Our field technicians and engineers perform 3-point fall of potential tests, 4-point soil resistivity tests, and clamp-on resistance tests of grounding systems, as well as complete facility site survey and consulting services. Our staff is equipped with the latest testing equipment.

Extensive experience in ground testing and design enables us to define exactly what grounding systems and improvements will work best for a facility, which effectively eliminates trial and error at the site, and reduces the overall cost of grounding system implementation.